The 5th Annual MPAK Gala Held to Raise Funds for Orphans and Vulnerable Children of North Korean Escapee Women

A fond farewell to Shin Aera (신애라) and Cha Inpyo (차인표) family returning back to Korea after five years of activities with MPAK.

MPAK celebrated the Christmas gathering on Saturday, December 7, 2019 at the Orange Canaan Presbyterian Church (오렌지 가나안 장로교회), Santa Ana, California.
The gathering was a real success with kids having so much fun. Mr. Minh Tran performed a magic show that was magical, and both the kids and the adults enjoyed the show.
MPAK honored the volunteers that have contributed their time and resources to help out with the gala and the retreat.
But it was also the night of appreciation and farewell to Shin Aera (신애라) and Cha Inpyo (차인표) family as they will move back to Korea after Shin Aera finished her school. It was five years ago when Shin Aera first visited our MPAK Christmas Celebration, and ever since then, she has been very active with our MPAK group. As a parting gift, we presented her a poster with a collage of photos capturing the memories of her time with our MPAK families. On the poster, many families wrote warm messages of farewell. We will certainly miss them, and we wish them well in their journey.
The 20th Annual MPAK Christmas Celebration Held on December 7, 2019
Shin Aera (신애라) holds the poster presented to her with "Thank you for the Memories" From the MPAK Families. She really appreciated this poster.

Kids loved the magic performance by Mr. Minh Tran, who really knew how to work the kids.