The 5th Annual MPAK Gala Held to Raise Funds for Orphans and Vulnerable Children of North Korean Escapee Women

Children's choir 'Make Joyful Noise' performed several songs that were in tune with the theme of the night.

Pastor Lee's story touched all the listeners

Brian Ivie sharing with the audience his journey in making the movie 'The Drop Box'

The Q&A Session with Pastor Lee and Brian Ivie, and Steve Morrison, with translation provided by Mr. JC Park
"They're Not the Unecessary Ones...God Sent Them to Earth for a Purpose." - Pastor Lee
An Evening with Pastor Lee and Brian Ivie
Pastor Lee Jong Rak and the 'The Drop Box' producer Mr. Brian Ivie came and shared their stories on February 7, 2015 at the Grace Korean Church (은혜한인교회)
The above statment was made by Pastor Lee, in the movie 'The Drop Box', in which the pastor adopted 19 children that came through the Baby Box. Most of the children were special needs children that were shunned by the Korean society. He shared how he received an inspiration from his son Eun Man, who was born severely deformed, to be able to reach out to the needy children.
Brian Ivie, a college senior at USC read about Pastor Lee's story in LA Times, and decided to do a documentary on Pastor Lee and the Baby Box mainly to use it as a vehicle to launch himself on the road to fame. But he had no idea that Pastor Lee and his children would transform Brian into a new person.
The 400+ audience was blessed by the messages shared

A few stayed afterwards to take a group photo

The event progressed with many in attendance

From left: Steve Morrison, Pastor Lee, and Brian Ivie
Please read the related blogs I wrote that will help you understand a little about the Baby Box:
Blog Nov 27, 2012 - A Visit to the Baby Box
Blog Jan 10, 2013 - The Irony of the Adoption Law that Blocks Adoption
Blog Dec 28, 2013 - While the Government Closed Its Eyes, the Baby Box Accepted 300 Babies